The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers Yorkshire Region
Cibse Yorkshire Region

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The CIBSE Yorkshire Committee
January 2018

Annual General meeting and Radiant Heating and cooling seminar

CIBSE YORKSHIRE - Annual General Meeting and Technical Seminar -3rd May 2012  

We are holding our Annual General Meeting and a technical seminar on the 3rd May 2012. The proposed regional officers are listed below.  We have a number of positions which are becoming vacant and we would welcome new committee members and ideas to how we can serve the Yorkshire Region in the next period.

If  you would like to join the committee or have any comments in relation to the proposed members please contact Derek Devereaux () or tel 0113 242 8498. 

The AGM will commence at 6:15pm prompt with refreshments from 6:00pm. We also have a technical seminar following  the AGM, scheduled to commence at 7:00pm. The seminar is open to all so if you are not interested in the AGM please turn up for 7:00pm.

Chair Derek Devereaux
Vice Chair Mark Connor
Hon Treasurer Stephen Goodhead
Social Secretary  Graham Hoyle
Regional Almoner Geoffrey Byram
YEN Representative David Parker
Other Committee Members Kevin Chambers
Colin Wilson
Ben Chambers
Abigail Hathaway
Simon Owen

Posts Vacant (Volunteers welcome)  
Hon Secretary  
Webmaster (manages website
in conjunction with service provider)
Mark Connor
Programme Secretary Jill Hoggan
Lighting Representative  
Regional Mentor  
Education and Training Officer/champion  

Other Posts with no specific roles proposed (not filled in recent years)  
Professional review co-ordinator  
Membership Officer/champion  
Publicity/communications Officer  
Hon Independant Examinar  
Region Buddy  

Technical Seminar Synopsis:
Following the AGM Bob Parker of Zehnder will give a presentation on Radiant Heating and cooling.

The main areas of coverage proposed are;
- What is radiant heat
- How does it effect comfort levels
- Understanding resultant/perceived temperature
- The basic concept - radiant-convective comparisons
- How do we make radiant panels
- Their performance and the applicable specifications
- How they deliver their performance
- Radiant reaction times
- Concept of use within our buildings
- Analysis of how radiant panels deliver their performance
- Using radiants in conjunction with low ceilings - identifying bad practice
- Using/controlling mass flow
- Design considerations and control considerations
- Radiant cooling
- Enhancing our projects

Please RSVP  as soon as possible so that so that we can order food etc.

The technical event is held on behalf of the Yorkshire Region of CIBSE. The event is free, contributes towards your CPD and is open to members and non- members so please feel free to forward to any non members / colleagues who may find this talk of interest.

Further information on this and upcoming CIBSE events in the region is available on ourwebsite. Please visit for more details. We have an interesting presentation on Enegy Futures next week in Sheffield so it would be great to see a good South Yorkshire turn out.

Look forward to seeing you at this and future events.  

Holmfield Arms, Denby Dale Road, Wakefield, WF2 8DY Parking is available at the Hotel.

Date and Time: 
Thursday 3rd May 2012 6 for 6:15pm for AGM and 7:00 until 8:00pm for the technical seminar (Refreshments provided)

03/05/2012 18:30:00
Post event comment by Mark Connor CIBSE Yorkshire Region Vice Chairman/Webmaster

The AGM ran to plan, and the election of several new members and re-election of previous members was ratified by those attending.

The AGM was followed by an informative and educational seminar on the science and options available when designing radiant heating.

The presentation is available
here as a PDF for the benefit of members who attended/wish to view.

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